Orangeview JHS

Our Vision:  The vision of Orangeview Jr. High School Counseling team is that all students are prepared academically and socially to be productive members of society and college and career ready. OV students use their skills in problem solving and critical thinking to be successful lifelong learners. Our students will value differences and encourage positive interactions between members of a diverse community. Students are able to use positive coping skills and demonstrate resiliency to face the many challenges of life and career.

Our Mission: The mission of Orangeview Junior High School’s Counseling Program is to empower 7th and 8th grade students to become successful, resilient, and compassionate individuals through a comprehensive, data-driven, developmental counseling program. As a team, we address academic, social, and emotional needs, ensuring students are college and career-ready, equipped for life’s challenges, and committed to giving back. Our dedicated counselors value each student’s unique qualities, nurturing their strengths and potential. By collaborating with educators, families, and the community, we create a safe, inclusive environment that promotes growth, self-awareness, and lifelong learning, guiding students to success in school and beyond.

OV Meet the School Counselor


Tips to being successful in junior high Page 1

Tips to being successful in junior high Page 2

Counselor Meeting Request




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