Orangeview JHS

Academic Attire and Dress Code Policies: 

Orangeview Jr. High School’s adopted policy is as follows:


The purpose of the Orangeview Junior High School dress code is to promote school safety, school pride and academic success. The dress code is based upon Anaheim Union High School District Board Policy 8603 and will not detract from or interfere with the educational environment, instructional program, general morale, or image of the school. All dress must be modest, neat, clean and consistent with legal provisions. Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that reflects cleanliness, good taste and decency.

Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Capris: Must fit at the waist and be worn at the waist. Sagging or oversized pants are not allowed.  The inseam of the pant should not hang below the area of properly fitting pants. Pants must not drag on the ground.  Any rips or tears in the pants must be below the bottom of the student’s fingertips.  Shorts and skirt length must be to at least the bottom of student’s fingertips. Tights or leggings can’t be worn without the appropriate coverage.  Shirts or other clothing must adequately cover the student’s bottom when wearing tights or leggings.

Outerwear: Must be appropriately sized.

Shirts: Sleeveless shirts, tank tops, camisoles, etc. should not be worn unless under another piece of appropriate clothing. Shirts must fit appropriately and shoulders must be covered at all times. The waist / midriff must be covered and may not be exposed when standing sitting or reaching.  Shirts may not be tied at the waist. Shirts may not be buttoned to the top button.

Hats/Beanie/Bandanas/Headwear: Hoods/Headwear/Beanies/Knit hats are not to be worn on campus unless they are school approved Orangeview or college headwear or it is an ASB spirit day.

PE Clothes/Athletic Wear: Students must dress out for PE in their PE uniforms.  For hygiene purposes, students are not allowed to wear their PE uniforms or the clothes they wore to PE to their other classes.  Any athletic wear worn on campus, including yoga pants, sweatpants, joggers, etc., must be clean and provide modest coverage.  

Shoes/Socks: No steel toed or heavy boots, open-toed or open heeled sandals. No flip-flops or slippers. Socks may not be worn higher than the bottom half of the calf. 

UNACCEPTABLE Items and Practice:  

  • Low cut apparel that has a plunging neckline and/or reveals excessive areas of the chest
  • Undergarments and/or underwear may not be visible.
  • Dress, grooming or accessories which are unsafe or a health hazard.  No hoop or spiked earrings. No spiked or studded accessories.
  • Items that display offensive or obscene symbols, signs, slogans or words, degrading any cultural, religious or ethnic values
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Any items symbolic of gang, jail attire or with gang logos or deemed as gang affiliated per Anaheim Police Department
  • Any items containing logos or words promoting alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
  • Any items containing slogans or logos representing vandalism, bigotry, violence, sexual connotations, suicide, death or those with double meanings
  • Chains including those attached to wallets, belt loops, worn as necklaces or necklaces that reflect sub-cultures
  • Athletic jerseys or “star” insignia apparel
  • Pajama bottoms or boxer shorts worn as pants
  • Rolled waistbands on pants

*****When fashion trends come about that compromise the learning environment or safety of our students, the Orangeview Administration reserves the right to adjust the dress code accordingly.

Progressive discipline is utilized when it comes to the academic attire dress code violations. Any student who must change clothing due to dress code infractions may have their clothing confiscated and loaner clothing will be issued. Items not retrieved in a timely manner will be donated to an appropriate organization.

Dress Code Violation:

1-2nd offense will be noted in Aeries under Visitations.

3rd Offense & Plus will be documented in Aeries under Discipline. Student will receive a referral and a one hour detention. 



Cell phones, iPods, cameras, DS players, and earpods of any kind as well as other electronic devices are not to be visible on campus unless being used for academic purposes with teacher permission, including headphones. All electronic devices must be turned off and must not be visible during school hours. Students may not use their cell phones between the hours of 8:00 AM- 2:25 PM. Cell phones cannot be used during detention, in any after-school classes or activities without teacher approval. The school assumes no responsibility for the safety or security of these items. Orangeview personnel will NOT investigate the theft of these items. The Anaheim Union High School District will NOT reimburse for any lost or stolen electronic devices even if they are confiscated. If a student uses a cell phone or electronic device for any reason during the restricted time, the following rules apply:

• The device will be confiscated from the student and brought to the main office. First offense is a warning and returned to the student.

• Two or more violations will result in additional consequences according to progressive discipline policies and the device will be returned to the parent/guardian of the student.


Attendance/Tardy Policy:

Students are expected to be on time to school and to each class. Oversleeping, leaving an item at home, missing the bus, etc., are not excused tardies. Students who arrive late to school must sign in at the attendance office.

A one hour detention will be given to students who are late to school or class.Attendance/Administration will manage all tardies. Parents will be notified by email if a student is receiving an attendance detention. A student is welcome to use the phone in the main office if they need to communicate the detention with parent. Parents are responsible for providing an up-to-date email address.  A student with more than six offences is considered habitually tardy and therefore will receive a referral to conference with administration.  Habitual tardy students will be put on an attendance contract and assigned additional consequences when needed.

STUDENT PICK UP: To minimize classroom disruptions, it highly encouraged that parents call the attendance office ahead of time or drop off a note to the attendance office, before picking up a child during the school day. If it is not preplanned, instructional time will be negatively impacted. Please call the attendance office 714-220-4206 to preplan a student pick up. All absences must be verified within 24 hours. 


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